Ramesan Navaratnarajah (Dr Ram) is Director of Babyinc and a Senior Consultant with over 25 years’ experience in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
He is particularly renowned for his contributions to surgical advancements, high-risk pregnancy management, and fertility treatments.
Dr Ram sees private patients at his clinic on Devonshire Place in the heart of the Marylebone Medical Village, as well as at CRGH City Fertility Clinic and at Nuffield Health at St Bart’s. He operates privately at The Portland Hospital, The Hospital of St John & Elizabeth in St John’s Wood, and at The Nuffield Hospital at St Bart’s.
The breadth of Dr Ram’s surgical training and proficiency allows him to successfully treat gynaecological conditions such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts, fibroids and abnormal menstrual bleeding. He also offers general well-woman gynae check-ups and provides care and treatment of the symptoms and effects of menopause, such as bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and alternative remedies. Depending on need Dr Ram can provide assessment, monitoring and treatment of acute or chronic conditions, or annual screening reviews for reassurance and continuity.
He has a specialist interest in fertility and provides a holistic, supportive, and comprehensive approach to overcoming any obstacles to achieving a successful pregnancy. He offers a range of diagnostics and treatments, including HyCoSy, PIGT, IVF, and ICSI.
Dr Ram can provide pregnancy care, and delivery at The Portland Hospital. His experience and expertise in managing high risk pregnancies, such as those complicated by conditions such as pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes, is invaluable when dealing with any eventuality and contributes to an overall more relaxed and enjoyable experience of pregnancy and birth.
Dr Ram graduated from the RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences in Dublin, and completed his specialist training in London and advanced training in France. He was made Consultant in 2010. In addition to degrees in Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics, he holds specialist qualifications in laparoscopic surgery and Maternal Medicine.
At St Bartholomew’s and The Royal London NHS Trust, his roles include running the Fertility Preservation clinic for cancer patients and being lead for Clinical Governance & Risk at the IVF Unit; he is the named Obstetrician for complex- and Caesarean deliveries and the Placenta Accreta Service, and his gynaecology remit includes complex- and benign open surgery and minimally invasive hysteroscopic and laparoscopic procedures.
Once a year Dr Ram leads a complex fistula surgery training camp at Kitovu Hospital in Masaka, Uganda, and he is founder and trustee of the ELLY Charity. His focus is on training healthcare providers in the world’s most deprived communities in order to promote better maternal outcomes. Closer to home he is an Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at Queen Mary’s, University of London, providing education and supervision of specialist trainees in obstetrics and gynaecology in the UK.
He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, and a Member of the Royal College of Physicians. His GMC registration number is 4672711. Dr Ram is regarded as an excellent diagnostician, a meticulous surgeon, and a kind and caring clinician who invests in his patients’ trust and wellbeing.
Alongside Dr Ram our Fertility Nurse and Senior Sonographer regularly performs diagnostics such as ultrasound for follicle tracking and Hysterosalpingo Contrast Sonography (HyCoSy), and co-ordinates and oversees all fertility treatment protocols.
Our office is run by Colette and Catherine. They are available by email or phone during office hours and oversee the day-to-day running of all clinics, correspondence and accounts.